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Monday 18 September 2023

The exchange of prisoners between Iran and the US suggests thawing relations.

 In a high-stakes detainee exchange that signalled a partial warming in the icy relations between the long-time enemies, the US and Iran freed 10 people on Monday.

After a brief stopover in the Persian Bay nation of Qatar, five American citizens detained in Iran will proceed to the US. In exchange, the U.S. government released five Iranian inmates and allowed the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian oil funds that were being held by South Korea.

The deal, which has been wrangled for a while, is a huge step forward for the former adversaries who have been at odds over a number of problems, including Tehran's rapid expansion of its nuclear programme, its ongoing military assistance to Russia, and Iran's brutal crackdown on internal dissent.

"We have gotten affirmation that the five liberated Americans ... are wheels up in Tehran and on the way to Doha," the Qatari capital, said a senior Biden organization official.

The detainees' delivery comes as a significant help to their families and allies, large numbers of whom have hung tight quite a while for their return. It has likewise gone under brutal analysis from conservatives in Congress went against to any arrangement that includes the thawing of Iranian assets. However under the arrangement the cash might be utilized exclusively for the acquisition of helpful merchandise, conservatives contend that the organization ought to have arranged an arrangement with terms better to the US.

In the midst of the detainee bargain talks, the US and Iran likewise have been examining a potential casual game plan that would try to put a few limits on Iran's atomic program. U.S. authorities have demanded, nonetheless, that those talks are irrelevant to the detainee trade exchanges.

The U.S. detainees liberated by Iran incorporate Siamak Namazi, an Iranian American who had been in a correctional facility in Tehran for almost eight years, the longest span the Islamic republic has imprisoned any American. Others incorporate Morad Tahbaz, an Iranian American who likewise holds English citizenship, and Emad Shargi, an American Iranian double resident. Each was let out of Iran's famous Evin Jail and put detained at home last month, an underlying move toward the arrangement.

Two other American prisoners associated with the trade have not been openly recognized in line with their families.

"This is an earth shattering day for the Namazi family who have not been together — every one of them four — since mid 2015," Jared Genser, the Namazi family's legal counselor, said in a meeting. "We, in all honesty, never realized this day was really going to show up. The family has experienced an uncommon injury through this extremely, long and excruciating cycle. There are many difficulties that lie ahead."

According to U.S. government officials who spoke under the condition of anonymity to discuss the delicate agreement, the intricate pact required a carefully orchestrated procedure by both Tehran and Washington.

The United States released five Iranians as they departed Iranian airspace. They have not been publicly identified by U.S. authorities, who have described them as low-level, nonviolent criminals who don't threaten American national security.

Nasser Kanaani, a spokesperson for Iran's foreign ministry, said earlier on Monday that the agreement was moving along according to schedule.

According to Iranian state media, Kanaani told reporters, "two of the Iranian citizens released in America will return to [Iran], another person will travel to another country due to the presence of their family, and the other two people will remain in the United States."

A network of government and commercial banks is completing the transfer of funds to accounts that Iran will have access to under American supervision while this is going on.

Due to a waiver that the Trump administration provided in 2018 that allows South Korea, one of Iran's top oil clients, to hold the $6 billion, These money were converted from Korean won to euros during the past week in order to transfer them to Qatari accounts that can only be used for the purchase of non-sanctioned items like food and medicine. According to U.S. officials, they will keep an eye on the funds to make sure they aren't being used for bad things.

Only once the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control produces a paperwork stating that the American detainees have arrived at their final destination, according to U.S. authorities, can Iran access the money.

The Biden administration's relationship with Tehran prior to the prisoner deal was characterised by a strong mistrust, partly due to the failure to resurrect a nuclear deal that Biden had sworn to.

According to officials with knowledge of the situation, the governments of Oman and Qatar were crucial in hosting the talks and helping to facilitate negotiations between the two sides on the release of the detainees. Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, and Switzerland all contributed.

The European allies of the United States, who largely support a revised agreement to restrict Tehran's nuclear programme, are hoping that advancements on the detainee issue will pave the door for more fruitful nuclear negotiations.

Following President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran's nuclear programme has dramatically grown. In exchange for the lifting of sanctions, the Obama administration's negotiated agreement placed severe restrictions on Iran's programme.

A senior administration official responded, "We do not completely close the door to diplomacy, but we approach it with principled standards," when asked if the prisoner agreement may lead to fruitful discussions on the nuclear front.

"If we see the opportunity, we will explore it," the official declared.

Asadullah Sarmad

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