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Tuesday 31 January 2023

Service to Humanity

 No one deliberately wants to hurt anyone. it happens due to some kind of unawareness. killing oneself is as tricky as tearing oneself into pieces. but people repeatedly do that crime to themselves why?

    One kills oneself because one lost all hope and courage that life requires or one committed a crime that there does not remain any meaning of one's existence. losing hope/courage relates to psychology. on the contrary, when one kills oneself because there remains no need for existence. 

    According to Buddhism life is a chance to get rid of repeated visiting the world. they call  "Nirwana" freedom from all grievances of life. Gautam once said 'Sarwam Dukham Dukham' ( life is all about grievances and sorrows). on the same grounds, Islam teaches piousness. a pious way of life Jannat would be rewarded for that piousness. 

    All strivings of life are directed to get that goal. All world religions have been directed towards that particular way of life. Confucius of China also preached morality that could vanish all wrongdoings and immorality from society.

    The goal is to reach a place where one can know the purpose of life.

    One of the teachings of Islam is to spread the message of Peace. serving humanity with peace and tranquility. The Prophet (PBUH) was a symbol of brotherhood. philosophical dimensions of the concept of peace indicate that the peace of the world brings attention to the peace of the inner core. the inner core of the human body. it is narrated in Hadees-e-Qudusi, "I do not accommodate in this universe easily but I can easily reside in human heart with comfort". It directly indicates when a person lives amicably in this world and preaches for peace. ultimately, he reaches inner peace. inner peace is where there Allah Almighty indicated.

    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Madina in 622 AD when the people of Mecca wanted to kill and torture the poor followers of the Prophet (PBUH). they all migrated to Madina and where they created a small Islamic state. all the Islamic teachings and laws were applied over there. 

    The Charter of Madina was signed, and one of that charter's main points was peace. The Prophet (PBUH) conquered Mecca in 628 AD and became the supreme leader of the city. Despite having a force of 10000, he forgave all hypocrites and intruders.  

    Peace when achieved reflects society. allah almighty says that the world is a Mosque. the symbol of the mosque is important in Islam. Islam symbolizes the mosque where impurity of mind and body is not allowed. 

    The Prophet (PBUH) was a torch bearer of peace because a peace-loving person is the person who makes the world understand that peace can serve humanity in a better way. 

   This is a game of belief and courage. cowardice cannot be peace-loving because he would compromise over petty threats. muslim is one who serves humanity. I started writing with service to humanity. the very topic is related to peace as well. peace is not only confined to the mind but all sectors of society and are benefited from it.

    Take the example of education a person can better spread very sense and aim of education if he knows mankind and the flavor of peace. A calm mind can think properly. a relaxed mind can create/generate new ideas.

   Peace is a character of Islam that inculcates a sense of collective service to Islam. peace spreads throughout society. The current unbalanced situation of the world depicts a very sense of an unjust society as a whole. society becomes unjust when an individual wants to protect himself only. however, Islamic injunctions of peace are based on the prosperity of society. islam focuses on the betterment of society. Islamic injunctions unfollow individualism.

    A peace-loving world is possible when self-centered motives are disliked and discouraged. the world needs the attention of a peace-loving character. Islamic teachings are directed to achieve that goal. 

The Nine Lives of Pakistan: Dispatches From A Divided Nation (BOOK REVIEW)


Politics in Balochistan Nationalists, AIML, British and Congress, 1929-1947



Politically, the region of Balochistan has always remained under the volatile situation. Scholars have different opinions regarding the political conditioning of Balochistan. The paper finds what type of political struggle was followed by the political authoritarians of Balochistan that brought political instability in Balochistan. In this regard, the main political actors have been dealt with. Such as the first and foremost was Khan of Kalat along with other nationalist leaders. On the other hand, there would be a discussion on the role and politics of the Muslim League. Apart from these two political actors, there would be a debate on the politics of Congress and the British in Balochistan. It has been tried to make the picture clear that political misery in Balochistan was brought by the main political elite of Balochistan.





The incident of 1971 is a historical concern. Both wings of Pakistan were united at the time of the creation of Pakistan but some policies that were adopted after the creation of Pakistan were inadequate to resolve the growing differences between the both wings. Writers are divided regarding the causes of the Fall of Dhaka. Indian involvement has been highlighted frequently and it is also said that East Bengal was on the distance of 1000 km from West Pakistan. Apart from these causes, this study will highlight a new perspective regarding the separation of East Bengal. From 1947 to 1971 the central governments of Pakistan took some measure regarding formulating policies and the policies were not sufficient to bring people of the both wings closer. Thus, the major policies and their consequences would be analysed in this paper. Further, this research would be a new one in a sense that there would be a general description of the policies from both wings.


Book: The struggle for Political Power in Balochistan, 1929-1947

 The British created a win-win situation. On the one hand, they patronized the Khan of Kalat. On the other hand, they gave some powers to the sardars. The Khans endeavored to gain power as much as possible. On the contrary, the local sardars were also requiring more powers. In this complex situation, the British presented themselves as mediators. This three-dimensional power game threw Balochistan into the slipstream of the power struggle. I did not give the state of Balochistan proper attention to political advancement. The aim of the British was to secure the area from foreign threats. Thus, political consciousness was not focused on. The same situation was with the Khan of Kalat and local sardars.


If We Think

  If we think, we should grow. one can measure whether he grows or not by comparing one's abilities with the past. The past is the best mirror that can reflect your growth. don't ask your friends where you stand. just recall the days that you have passed. all would be in front of you within minutes.  

    If we think we should be cooperative in a way that we want to be treated in our daily lives. Here I remember a simple but most attractive and philosophical rule of Confucius ( spiritual as well as philosophical master from China) He once delivered that if one commits any sort of crime, he should think of one thing that the crime would be hazardous for all of the society because with whom he did an injustice. the person would repeat the same thing. Likewise, society would be trapped with the committed-crime. A robber spreads the message of the robbery. Robbery is not just a robbery, but it spreads hatred and puts a bad impact on society. Therefore, morality is not related to any individual, but it destroys the whole sense of societal morality.  

Asadullah Sarmad 

Gender outlook in Pakistani and Indian society

The world has been changing for many years, and society has experienced a lot of transformation. However, there are still some societies tha...